Spirulina and Chlorella

Written By Tamar Abramowitz

Spirurlina and Chlorellla are two different nutrient dense types of green algae. Both of thes algae are extremely high in complete protein which is easier to digest than animal protein. Both Spirulina and Chlorella are rich in viamins C.E, and all B, including B12 whilch is rarely found in plants. Both algaes are high in macro minerals such as Calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium. They also provide omega 3 fatty acid along with GLA, mucopolysaccharides, beta-carotene and nucleic acids.

Spirulina and Chlorella balance the body’s PH due to its good alkalinity, which is linked to a healthier immune system. These nutrient dense algaes are helpful for inflammation, and relieve arthritis. Both of these algae encourage a healthy digestive system by feeding the beneficial bacteria and by keeping the pathogens (harmful microbes) under control. A healthy gut is a healthy immune system. Thes algae help balance blood sugar, brain chemistry, speed up healing and strengthen bones. Spirulina and Chlorella jave more complere protein than red meat or most plant sources of protein.

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Spirulina supports the growth of healthy bacterial flora in the gut which can help keep candida overgrowth under control. This is beneficial for anyone suffering from autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrom, lupus and fibromyalgia who tend to have candida overgrowth. Spirulina’s unique cell structure of mucopolysaccharides- easily digested sugars and amino acids gives it the ability to lower cholestero, lower blood pressure and triglycerides, which prevents strokes and heart attacks. Spirulina stimulates the immune system and prevents and stops the spread of cancer cells. Spirulina detoxes from arsenic toxicity, alleviates sinus issues, boosts energy, offers neuroprotection for brain disorders (Parkinson’s disease), memory boosting, and It has proven hopeful with inactivating immunodefiency virus associated with HIV and AIDS.

Chlorella is helpful in reducing syptoms of fatty liver, hepatitis, peptic ulcers, and bacterial infections.. Chlorella detoxifies the body of mercury poisoning , protects against radiation and chemotherapy, and fights cancer.. It contains a high amount of chlorophyll which helps the detoxification process. Chlorella treats high blood pressure, high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, divericulosis, Chrohn’s disease, pancreatitis, and liver problems. It also helps freshen breath and body odor, promotes weight loss, improves circulation, may slow the aging process, reduces oxidative stress, and promotes energy.

Tamar Abramowitz


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